Mobile robot

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) system with Four RGB-D camera

SLAM system using four RGB-D cameras (Microsoft Kinect) is developed. 3D environmental structures are captured in real-time while the robot moves. For precise localization, CPS-SLAM is utilized and the robot position is detected by a parent robot using a total station (laser range finder).

SLAM using four kinect cameras photo System configuration photo Measurement results


Fast 3D localization for mobile robot using Normal Distributions Transform

We propose an efficient 3D global localization and tracking technique for a mobile robot in a large-scale environment using 3D geometrical map and a RGB-D camera. With the rapid development of high-resolution 3D range sensors, high-speed processing of a large amount of 3D data is becoming an urgent challenge in robotic applications such as localization. To tackle this problem, the proposed technique utilizes a ND (Normal Distributions) voxel representation. Firstly, a 3D geometrical map represented by point-clouds is converted to a number of ND voxels, and local features are extracted and stored as an environmental map. In addition, range data captured by a RGB-D camera is also converted to the ND voxels, and local features are calculated. For global localization and tracking, the similarity of ND voxels between the environmental map and the sensory data is examined according to the local features or Kullback-Leibler divergence, and optimum positions are determined in a framework of a particle filter.

Kinect color image Kinect depth image Localization process


Quadcopter Helicopter

Spatial change detection using voxel classification by normal distributions transform

Detection of spatial change around a robot is indispensable in several robotic applications, such as search and rescue, security, and surveillance. The present paper proposes a fast spatial change detection technique for a mobile robot using an on-board RGB-D/stereo camera and a highly precise 3D map created by a 3D laser scanner. This technique first converts point clouds in a map and measured data to grid data (ND voxels) using normal distribution transformation and classifies the ND voxels into three categories. The voxels in the map and the measured data are then compared according to the category and features of the ND voxels. Overlapping and voting techniques are also introduced in order to detect the spatial changes more robustly. We conducted experiments using a mobile robot equipped with real-time range sensors to confirm the performance of the proposed real-time localization and spatial change detection techniques in indoor and outdoor environments.

photo Mobile robot with Kinect Detected differences ICRA 2019 Video


Tour guide robot and personal mobility vehicle

We are developing a tour guide robot and a personal mobility vehicle, which utilize not only the embedded sensors but also surrounding sensors placed along streets.

Personal vehicle Wheelchair-type personal vehicle
Tour guide robot, Qurin
Tour guide robot, Qurin 2
Tuor guide robot Navigation using QZSS and 5G
Real time transmission of 4K 360 degrees video via 5G network Navigation using LiDAR and 5G
Tour guide experiment in theme park Guide experiment in hospital


Autonomous lawn-mowing robot

We are developing an autonomous lawn-mowing robot. The robot is equipped with QZSS MICHIBIKI for centimeter-level positioning using CLAS and 3D-LiDAR for obstacle detection. Navigation2 in ROS2 is adopted for automatic planning and motion control toward multiple targets.

1st model autonomous lawn-mowing robot
2nd model autonomous lawn-mowing robot


Automatic illuminance measurement multiple robots

We are developing the automatic illuminance measurement multi-robot for checking illuminance conditions used in large warehouses.

Measurement by automatic illuminance measurement multiple robots
Automatic illuminance measurement multiple robots
Illuminance measurement Illuminance measurement


Beach cleaning robot

We are developing a beach cleaning robot to collect microplastic garbage.

Beach cleaning robot
Beach measurement robot
Beach cleaning Beach cleaning


  • 海洋破砕プラスチックごみ回収ロボットの開発
    宇野 光輝, 倉爪 亮
    第23回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2022, 1A2-D04, 2022.12.14-16 [pdf][bibtex]
  • 海洋破砕プラスチックごみ回収ロボットシステムの開発 -レーザースキャナの反射輝度によるごみ検出とロボットの誘導-
    有瀬 昌矢, 松本 耕平, 倉爪 亮
    第23回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2022, 1A2-D11, 2022.12.14-16 [pdf][bibtex]
  • 海洋破砕プラスチックごみ回収機構の開発
    宇野 光輝, 倉爪 亮
    第22回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2021, 1H4-03, 2021.12.15-17 [pdf][bibtex]
  • 海洋破砕プラスチックごみ回収ロボットシステムの開発 レーザスキャナの反射輝度を用いた海岸環境の識別
    有瀬 昌矢, 倉爪 亮
    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会2021, 1P2-G09, 2021.6.6-8

Construction robot

We are developing a retrofit-type remotely controlled backhoe, a compaction evaluation method for vibratory rollers using multiple-sensor terminal "Sensor Pod" , and a Cyber Physical Platform for construction sites named "ROS2-TMS for Construction".

A retrofit-type remotely controlled backhoe photo
Compaction evaluation experiment by vibratory rollers using Sensor Pods


  • Evaluation of ground stiffness using multiple accelerometers on the ground during compaction by vibratory rollers
    Yusuke Tamaishi, Kentaro Fukuda, Kazuto Nakashima, Ryuichi Maeda, Kohei Matsumoto, Ryo Kurazume
    40th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2023), pp. ,doi:, Chennai, 2023.7.4-7, 2023
  • 土木工事における地盤剛性評価・安全管理のための分散型センサポッドの開発
    福田 健太郎, 中嶋 一斗, 前田 龍一, 松本 耕平, 倉爪 亮
    第23回ロボティクスシンポジア, , 2023.3.15-16 [pdf][bibtex]
  • レトロフィット型バックホウ遠隔操縦システムの開発 -第2報 操作性の向上と後付センシングシステムの開発-
    柴田 航志, 西浦 悠生, 倉爪 亮
    第23回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2022, 3P2-G17, 2022.12.14-16 [pdf][bibtex]
  • 多点同期振動データの波形歪みに基づく地盤剛性評価手法の提案
    福田 健太郎, 中嶋 一斗, 倉爪 亮
    第20回 建設ロボットシンポジウム, P2-2, 2022.8.24-25
  • 多様な環境に適応しインフラ構築を革新する協働AIロボット(土工を革新するハードウエアと現場を俯瞰するセンサポッドシステムの紹介)
    永谷圭司, 大須賀公一, 竹囲年延, 倉爪亮
    第4回 i-Constructionの推進に関するシンポジウム, pp.115-118, 2022.7.11
  • レトロフィット型バックホウ遠隔操縦システムの開発
    西浦 悠生, 中嶋 一斗, 倉爪 亮
    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会2022, 1P1-C07, 2022.6.1-4
  • 転圧地盤評価のための分散型センサポッドの開発 -第2 報多点同期振動データの波形歪みに基づく地盤剛性の定量化-
    福田健太郎, 中嶋 一斗, 倉爪 亮
    日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス講演会2022, 1A1-E04, 2022.6.1-4
  • 転圧地盤評価のための分散型センサポッドの開発
    福田 健太郎, 中嶋 一斗, 倉爪 亮
    第22回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2021, 3H4-05, 2021.12.15-17 [pdf][bibtex]