We are selected as a core cooperative researcher of JST CREST (Core Research for Evolutionary Science and Technology) JPMJCR17A5 (Head: Prof. Nakazawa).

We are selected as a core cooperative researcher of JST CREST (Core Research for Evolutionary Science and Technology) JPMJCR1786 (Head: Prof. Morooka).

Mr. Nakajima received MIRU student award.

Nominated for Finalist of Best Service Robotics Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2017).

Facebook page for alumni group is ready. Please send your request to join in this group.

Prof. Iwashita’s research was introduced in NHL Close up Gendai+.

The magazine in Spain introduced our activity.

Mr. Egashira received SICE SI2016 Excellent Presentation Award.