Mr. Oishi received 2011 Excellent Student Award of the IEEE Fukuoka Section.

Mr. Oishi was elected JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (DC1).

Mr. Oishi received SICE Sytem Integration division Young Yesearcher Award.

Mr. Ikenoya received Best Presentation Award in Annual Conference on Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

Prof. Kurazume was chosen as Invited Speaker , 15th International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR2011).

Mr. Kawamura was chosen as THE BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD FINALIST , the 15th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR2011).

Mr. Oishi, Professor Kurazume, Assistant Professor Iwashita received Excellent paper award , the 16th Robotics Symposia.

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