Indoor Dataset for Place Categorization

SICK Laser


This data consists of panoramic point clouds obtained using a SICK LMS-151 laser scanner on a rotating base. The panoramic point clouds contain depth and reflectance information. The point clouds have a resolution of 3750~3755x760 pixels with a vertical field of view of from -85 to 105 degrees, and a horizontal field of view of 360 degrees.


Data format

Each depth panoramic image is represented using a matrix of 760 x 3750~3755 depth values in a .txt file. In addition, the corresponding grayscale image is provided in PPM format.

The corresponding reflectance image is stored in PPM format.

Partial scans

Partial scans of both, depth and reflectance data, are also provided in similar formats. The size of partial scans is 624 x 760 pixels. Partial scans were obtained by dividing the panoramic scan. Partial scans overlap 107 pixels which corresponds to approx. 10 degrees horizontal field of view, as shown in the figure:

Point Cloud Library (PCL) format

TXT files can be converted into PCD (Point Cloud Library format) format using the following provided software:

Place Categories

The 3D panoramic scans were obtained at 5 different indoor place categories inside buildings at Fukuoka city, Japan: corridor, kitchen, laboratory, study room, and study room. Each category contains 4 sets of panoramic images. Each set was obtained in a different place inside the same category. The following table summarizes the data:

Number of scans
Place Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Total
Corridor 15 15 15 15 60
Kitchen 15 15 15 15 60
Laboratory 15 15 15 15 60
Study room 15 15 15 15 60
Office 15 15 15 - 45
Total 75 75 75 60 285


Data is stored using the following directory and files structure, where names in [brackets] indicate variables:

		[Category]  # Directory with the category Category
			----- [PlaceId]  # Directory for place PlaceId
					------- [scanId]_depth.txt  # Depth data in TXT format
					------- [scanId]_depth.ppm  # Depth data PPM format
					------- [scanId]_ref.txt   # Reflectance data in TXT format 
					------- [scanId]_ref.ppm   # Reflectance data in PPM format 
					----- [PlaceId]_set_depth  # Directory with Partial Scans
					|		|
					|		|
					|		------- depth_image[scanId]_depth.txt  # Depth (TXT) partial scan
					|		|
					|		|
					|		------- depth_image[scanId]_depth.ppm  # Depth (PPM) partial scan
					----- [PlaceId]_set_reflectance  # Directory with relectance Partial Scans
							------- reflectance_image[scanId].txt  # Reflectance (TXT) partial scan
							------- reflectance_image[scanId].png  # reflectance (PNG) partial scan


The following table shows the distribution of the dataset. An example is provided for each place category.

SICK Indoor Place Dataset
depth and reflectance example images
(3.0 Gbyte, 60 scans) 
Corridor (example)
(7.7 Mbyte, 1 scan) 
(3.0 Gbyte) 
Kitchen (Example)
( 8.0 Mbyte, 1 scan) 
(3 Gbytes, 60 scans) 
Laboratory (Example)
(9.3 Mbytes, 1 scan) 
Study Room
(3 Gbyte, 60 scans) 
Study Room (Example)
( 7.5 Mbyte, 1 scan) 
( Gbyte, 45 scans) 
Office (Example)
(9 Mbyte, 1 scan)